TP – Just Another Rhodie

by Trevor Smith


I served in the Rhodesian Forces and partook in the bush war. International opinion was that we were fighting Freedom Fighters but to Rhodesians they were just terrorists and their slaughter and rape of innocent civilians, including children and babies, plainly showed them to be such. Despite the ongoing war and call-ups of civilians, life in the Grain Basket of Southern Africa was ignored outside of the conflict areas. Industry and agriculture was developed beyond what was even optimistically expected. I have written about my personal deeds and happiness not to just show a very happy youth, but so that my descendants could have some knowledge of their forefather which was denied me. I do hope that one or more of these Branches of the Tree will pick up a pen and record their lives for the following generations. The political developments forced many people to move to the four corners of the World but they still are happy to be remembered as RHODIES



TP – Just Another Rhodie

A note from the author, Trevor Smith:

Nothing I have done is unique or remarkable.  I have chosen to be remembered as a Rhodie as I spent most of my working life in Rhodesia which was a unique and happy place. I served in the Rhodesian Forces and partook in the bush war. Born on the coast of South Africa, my schooling and childhood memories of my family are described. Rhodesia took my interest so I swore allegiance to Her Majesty and joined the British South Africa Police. After a 3 year service spell I enlisted in the Royal Rhodesian Air Force and went to Britain for training. Over 40 years I spent in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and had wonderful adventures which I have recorded. Then 10 years spent in a fantastic lakeside property in Malawi before coming to Australia. My story is mainly for my children and their families and other persons who had good memories of life in Southern Africa.

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